2021年7月30日 — Re disk cache, on Win7/HDDs, I've always disabled browser.cache.disk.smart_size.enabled and set browser.cache.disk.capacity to 1048576. I don't ...
2011年2月5日 — Maximum amount of memory in KB to use to cache decoded images and chrome (1 MB = 1024 KB). (Thunderbird default: 4096. Minimo default: 256.) ...
2011年2月5日 — capacity controls the maximum amount of memory to use. Possible values and their effects. true. Allow decoded images, chrome, and secure pages ...
2019年11月12日 — cache.disk.capacity (which has a default of 1048576 = 1.048576 GB), then right click > Modify, and enter the maximum size you want in KB ...
Entering -1 lets Firefox choose the size of its cache depending on your computer's installed RAM capacity. You can also enter other cache sizes in kilobytes.